Last week I
blogged about how last Saturday night I made one poor, toxic meal choice, fell off the organic wagon and my body really suffered. So last Sunday was my Day of Detox where I tried several treatments to get back on track. I needed to address it immediately and erase the damage before my body started craving more junk.
Detox Treatment # 1: I started with a
coffee enema - an immediate and powerful treatment. I know…you are starting to flinch. But TRUST ME…this is the best treatment I’ve ever encountered for flushing your body of toxin waste. Coffee enemas have been used for over 100 years and were in the Merck manual for years until they were removed due to space limitations. They are perfectly safe when done properly. (PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM NOT A DOCTOR AND THIS IS JUST WHAT I DO AND IT WORKS FOR ME.) Coffee enemas stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins and wastes, and this enhances liver function. A healthy functioning liver helps your whole body feel better and respond more efficiently…exactly what I needed last Sunday.
My Coffee Enema Recipe:
1. Make coffee in a stainless steel coffee-maker
2. Prepare a quart of caffeinated organic coffee using 2 tablespoons of organic grounds pre quart of filtered water
3. Let the coffee get to room temperature
4. Pour the coffee into a hanging enema bag with a 28 inch French tube
5. Hang the bag from a hanger near the bathroom toilet
6. Place an old towel on the floor and a small bath pillow to support your head
7. Prepare to take the enema by laying on your left side and lubricating the anal area using KY Jelly
8. Insert the 28 inch French tube very slowly, go in about 12 inches and avoid any kinks in the tube
9. Release the stopper and let about a pint of coffee flow in slowly, then reclamp
10. Hold the enema for up to 10 minutes before expelling
It feels a bit odd at first but then you’ll find it relaxing and refreshing. If you feel jittery, then the coffee was too strong. When you expel the enema, you’ll be expelling much of the toxic waste your body has been storing. Again, I’m not a doctor and only a doctor can prescribe treatment. I tried a coffee enema once and like any true coffee addict, I was instantly hooked. And once again, it worked like a charm last Sunday.
Detox Treatment #2: Now that my liver was cleaned out, I needed to refuel my body with healthy, nutritious food. I decided to do a juice fast with organic carrots, celery, beets and apples. I made a 20 oz. batch with my fabulous, fast, easy to clean,
Breville juicer and drank it throughout the day.
Detox Treatment #3: With a glass of juice in hand, I settled into warm bath with
Masada dead sea mineral bath salts which draws toxics out of your body.
Epsom salts are easily available at any drug store and have a similar effect but I like the Lavender and Peppermint/Tea tree varieties from Masada.
By the end of the day, I was feeling normal again and ready for my busy week. And I learned my lesson. So when my husband and I wanted to go out to dinner last night, he chose
GustOrganics - a new NYC all-organic restaurant. In fact, GustOrganics is the first USDA Certified Organics restaurant in New York and the first restaurant in the nation using 100% certified organic food. The whole restaurant is set up to be green; for example they use only recycled paper products, rely on wind energy and solar lighting, recycle dinner wastes for composting – all right within the center of New York City. They are to be commended for their efforts, and deserve our strong support. And to make the whole experience a winner, the food is definitely gourmet. Our meal was delicious, the service was delightful and this morning, we didn’t need to detox. Once again, going Green proved to be the best choice. Those of you who live in New York, please go to GustOrganics - for those of you who visit NYC, stop in and have a meal, you won’t regret this choice.
Mary Beth Gonzalez